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IP Cameras & Expansion Modules

What are IP cameras & Expansion Modules?

An Internet Protocol (IP) camera is a high-definition digital camera with its own IP address. Instead of transmitting video over a video cable to a monitor or MDR, the IP camera transmits digital video to the MDR over a data connection (ethernet cable) where the images are saved to the HDD memory.

Brigade Expansion Modules use Power Over Network (PON) Switch technology to expand the channel capability of the MDR by transmitting digital video images from IP cameras over the top of existing analogue video cables/signals. The MDR on-screen display allows easy camera set up without need for specific IP camera knowledge

Benefit: Connecting IP cameras increases the number of channels available on the MDR:

  • MDR-504 - 4 x Analogue channels plus 1 x IP channel = 5 channels
  • MDR-504 and a PON switch - 4 x Analogue channels plus 2 x IP channel = 6 channels
  • MDR-508 - 8 x Analogue channels plus 1 x IP channel = 9 channels
  • MDR-508 and a PON switch - 8 x Analogue channels plus up to 8 x IP channel = 16 channels
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